Saturday, June 16, 2012



Mariam : Latifa 9ig matawa8a3ta minich at all enty eshfeech...LAYKOON ENTY W AHMED 3INDKUM 3ALA8A !!!

Me: wallah mariam its not what it loooks like yesturday when i went to amwaj i told u about the salfaa bs i lied eshway it wasnt girls kaan boys ...oo i was shy to tell you Ahmed found my bracelet and gave it to me ... YOU NO AHMED ?

Mariam : Next time dont lie tell me el 9ij 3ashaaan a3arf ... ! ee he's my cousin ...i see him almost every friday .. faaa we are close ..

Me: Oh Okay !

so after that we went to mariam house and i called my driver to come and pick me up from Amwaj ..
i left there about 10:30 i was 7ada tired ..


Khalid ( my brother ..he's 20 ) : Abdulla galii chafech fee Amwaj ?
Me: Ee :p
Khalid : ahahahah enzain ta3aly enrou7 jasmis aby burger..
Me: Enshallah yaalllah 5alina enrou7

re7na jasmis o kalaina o be3dain re7na el bait .


mama : 7bebtey goumai ..3indich madressa ..yallah
me : mama maby arou7 please mafini sheda wayed ta3bana .. a9lan ma3indi shaay elyoum
mama: hmmmmm
me : please mama
mama: okay bs bacher lazm etrou7een
me : thankuu mama i lovee you soo much !

in the afternoon

i called Dania and she came to my house..
we decided to go to Shake & bake ...

when we went i ordered Nutella Milkshakee <3

after that we went to Seef Mall
we went to magic island and ya3ny la3bna w shthey
anyways re7t 3ashan ashtery movie min Euphorea wala min ehnaak Ahmed the HOTTIE !!
he wore black jeans and a blue ralph top ! he's perfume was sooo strong and nice
he was to die for...

i past by him hoping he would notice me ohh yaa Dania didnt come she went to order burger from macdonalds...

okay so i past by and he was like :

ahmed : halla ya Latifa
Me: hi
ahmed : eshlounach ?
me: Zaina u ?
ahmed : good ... with his sexxxxy smile
me : oo et3arf Mariam al *********
ahmed: EE she 's my cousin no her ?
me : ee she's my friend ...
ahmed : good !

he told me to go walking with him but i was shy cause there were people and i had a sm3a to hold faa he told me which cinema i was going to i said : Laish tabyy et3arf (with a laughinh face ) he said : baas ..3ashan achoufetch ( he was soo shy) !

i told him the movie .. and i left to dania

i told daania i saw him she was excited she knew that i had a crush on him ..
so we went to the movie i sat there going threw my phone then i see next to me
its AHMED !!

we started to talk ..and dania was paying attention to the movie he asked for my number i told him that i dont do these kinds of stuff and i was raised well to not do these things ....

he told me : okay .. bb pin malech 3aad pleasee
i said : mmmm.....
ahmed : mabaroo7 etha mat36eny bb pin malech ( with his big smile )
me : ohooooo yala ***************

and he left

after that i went home and ahmed added me on BBM he started to talk with me and ask me questions
and i asked him 2 ..

i left my phone on the table not locked wala Khalid takes my phone and looks around i saw him from far and i wass about to die !!
what is he gunnna sayyy allah yestaaaar i am soooo dead !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahmed : la6ooooof TA3ALAY A7EEEEN !!!!............................


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